The best way to include ads in your Instagram content strategy

Before we get into this week’s email, let’s address the elephant in the room.

Yes, The Monday Marketer is now The One Thing.

Why the change?

Well, the old name was limiting in two ways: the day I could send the newsletter to you and what I felt I was able to cover under that title.

I believe there is a lot more to building an audience and a business online than just “marketing”.

Sure, marketing is a massive part of it, but I wanted to have the freedom to spread the net a little wider and cover more of what I think will be helpful for you.

Things like content creation, branding, and habits and systems that don’t necessarily fall under the banner of “marketing”.

Plus a slew of other potential things I haven’t even thought of yet.

So enter The One Thing, one high-leverage idea to scale your audience (and your business) every week.

And as you can tell, we’re doing this on Tuesdays now.

If you have any questions about the change, please feel free to reply to this email and I’ll be happy to answer them.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Ads are a powerful way to extend your reach and amplify your efforts on Instagram and beyond.

I’ve personally used ads to earn millions of streams on Spotify, and our agency has helped artists and creators from just about every genre do the same.

But most people either use ads only at the most surface level or simply shy away from them altogether because they somehow feel… icky.

I get it.

I was an ad hater for years.

Until I figured out how to leverage them to reach my goals.

So instead of only using ads to get more followers in random countries you’ll never step foot in—”I’m huge in Bangladesh, bro”—let me show you how they can fit into your long-term growth strategy.

The right way.

Engagement isn’t everything

Before we can use ads on Instagram to reach our goals, we first need to understand where they fit into our overall marketing system.

The best way to illustrate this is with a basic funnel like this:

Now, this is a simplified version, but there are three core elements to a marketing funnel: awareness, consideration, and making a purchase, or converting.

And as you can see, I’ve placed ads right in the middle: consideration.

There’s no doubt you can use ads to build your following on Instagram (or anywhere else for that matter), and you can also use ads to sell stuff directly on-platform.

(I mean, honestly, you can run an entire marketing funnel from awareness to purchase on Instagram without ever pulling anyone off the platform).

The problem is this is great for IG but bad for us.

You may be building an audience on Instagram, but are you building a community? Are you building relationships? And if so, how are you deepening that?

We want to build a relationship with our audience, not just give them pretty videos from time to time, and we certainly don’t want to lose them in the abyss of Instagram, never to be seen or heard from again.

If we’re thinking long-term, our ultimate goal is to pull people off of Instagram and into our world.

Specifically, into our email list.

The benefits of ownership

In the land of social media, email still reigns supreme, especially in the US.

According to this article, over 90% of Americans use email.

For context, less than half of the country uses Instagram.

Posting organic content is a wonderful way to build a rapport with like-minded people on social media, but you and I both know the algorithm doesn’t always show our content to our followers.

And when it shows our stuff to people who don’t follow us, there’s no guarantee we’ll ever find them again.

We can use ads to “capture” the attention of all of those people—followers, folks who have sent a DM, saved posts, or just viewed our content—and we can retarget them with a well-timed ad and an attractive offer to pull them off-platform and earn their email address in exchange for something they already want.

Once we have their email address, we can deepen that relationship and earn their business if and when they’re ready.

And if they’re never ready, that’s ok too.

We’ve still earned their trust, and that’s more important than anything.

So instead of letting Team Meta keep all the benefits of your labor on IG (can we please at least bring back Reels bonuses, Zuck?), maybe it’s time to give ads another shot and pull people into your world for a change.

If you can do that, you’ll be untouchable.

P.S. I’ll be going more in-depth on this topic in Thursday’s YouTube video, so be sure to subscribe if you haven’t yet. You won’t want to miss it.

Whenever you're ready, there are four ways I can help you:

  1. Read the Newsletter: Read previous issues of The One Thing to learn at your own pace and upgrade your marketing knowledge for free.
  2. Book a Consultation: Schedule a one-on-one call with me to improve your marketing across paid advertising, social media, and more.
  3. The Spotify Traffic Accelerator: Join the hundreds of artists who have successfully learned to automate their growth on Spotify using paid ads on Instagram.
  4. Become a DuPree X Artist: Hire our team to manage your marketing across streaming platforms and social media so you can focus on what matters most—making music.

The One Thing

One high-leverage idea to scale your audience (and your business). Delivered every Tuesday.

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